When to replace your brake pads

about brake pad

We know that each vehicle has thousands of different pieces, and the proper function of each of them is what moves the vehicle and meets the needs of the passengers. Moving, speeding, relaxing, safety and precision are some of these needs that every ideal vehicle should provide. Brake pads are one of the main parts of the vehicle that play an important role in the safety of the vehicle, and the slightest slip of this piece leads to horrible accidents. Therefore, it is of particular importance and this requires special attention. If you own the most luxurious and expensive vehicle and know that its braking system is not optimal, you will never have to ride it. So, you should always check this piece of equipment, and find the right time to replace the brake pad.

Signs to Find the Right Time to Replace the Brake Pad

The professional driver is not just to drive at high speed, fish tailing or keeping the vehicle clean. An expert driver has eyes, ears, a sense of smell and even a strong touch, which are used to control the vehicle. When driving, sometimes lower the recording volume and take care of the car. The following factors are signs that will have serious messages for you:

  • The vehicle is being pulled to the left or right
  • The car is stopped with a delay after pushing the pedal
  • The smell of burns or other odors are being smelled
  • The steering wheel vibrates while braking
  • The pedal is being very loose or too tight
  • You can see smokes near the wheels
  • The dark pollen is seen on the rings
  • You hear a scream-like noise when braking
  • A continuous noise is heard even without braking
  • Rings and wheels are being greasy
  • Brake fluid level is lowered
  • There is oil leakage from brake hoses
  • Brake oil is being darken.

The above tips are all a messenger of various problems that are one of the reasons for braking system failure. Brake pads, wheel disks, or brake oil defects cause some of the symptoms mentioned above.

When to replace your brake pads

Exterior Inspection of Brake Pads

Apart from the mentioned factors, visual inspection of the brake pad parts will also be of great help in finding the answer, and in most cases, the car mechanic is the best person to do such inspections. Not everyone can inspect discs and calipers, but expert mechanics can easily do these things and pull out pads to check the condition of pads and wheel discs. Sometimes the brake pads have not been consumed too much, but due to the tilt or improper installation, it has been damaged and has the signs of finished pad. Even if you have just changed the pads or your vehicle has not gone a long way, but you’re having trouble, visit a reputable service station to check everything carefully. Some of the visual symptoms in the visual inspection are:

  • The brake pads are being corroded entirely.
  • Half of the brake pads are finished due to the improper installation.
  • Brake pads are broken.
  • The metal plate behind the pad is peeled (shim).
  • The caliper is burned due to thermal shock.
  • The brake pads’ materials are being rubbed.
  • The brake pad surface is being rusted.

Record Date and Distance Traveled

Remember to always put a small notebook in your vehicle. After replacing different parts, oils, hoses and belts, record the date and vehicle’s kilometer, and do not merely count on your memory. After a few months, take a look at the notebook to find out which part of the vehicle needs to be reassessed or replaced.

For example, the brake pad has a certain life span that is different for each brand. Cheaper and poor-quality pads need to be changed faster and standard and high-quality brake pads need to be changed later. A ceramic standard pad with a global quality will undoubtedly last a longer time and will reduce the cost of traveling to a service station or mechanic’s wages. Pay special attention to buying parts and especially parts that are related to your safety, and do not endanger your life and your passengers’ lives for a few coins.

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