Emergence of metal particles on the brake pad

Brake Pad Problems
metal particles on brake pad

Appearance: emergence and penetration of metal particles on the surface of the pads.

Cause: while braking, small particles are removed from brake disc and the brake pad surface, which, at high temperatures, is as dust and ash, and at high humidity, as solids which cool down rapidly and stick to the surface of the brake pad.

Note: Usually in non-absorbent pads, abrasive materials are used on the brake pad surface, and in the material inside, the filler material, which is not abrasive, is used.

Effect: There is no damage to the brake pad performance, but in acute cases it can damage the brake disc (scratching it) / creating inelegant noise.

Solution: In acute cases, brake discs and brake pads are to be replaced.


Read more: All Brake Pad Problems

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